The Best Time to Aerate Lawn—And Why Most Pros Get It Wrong
Amanda Ryan Amanda Ryan

The Best Time to Aerate Lawn—And Why Most Pros Get It Wrong

You’ve probably heard it a hundred times: “Aerate in the spring, and you’re golden!” Well, here’s a shocker: blindly following that advice could be the fastest way to turn your lawn into a patchy, weed-infested mess. And trust us, weeds are not the kind of guests you want overstaying their welcome.

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How Much Is Lawn Service Per Month? The Hidden Costs You’re Not Considering
Amanda Ryan Amanda Ryan

How Much Is Lawn Service Per Month? The Hidden Costs You’re Not Considering

Most people glance at their lawn service bill and breathe a sigh of relief—until they notice those sneaky little charges that weren’t on the brochure.

You thought you were paying for a clean-cut lawn, but it turns out, you’re also funding the hidden fees club.

Think that bargain basement price was the deal of the century? Not quite.

Turns out, what you save now might just come back to bite you in the blades—literally.

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